Ubuntu FUC – Frequently Used Commands

A list of Frequently Used Commands on UBUNTU Operating System:

  1. To know the path of the binary being used:
    which binary-name
  2. To know recently modified file in a directory:
    ls -lrt
  3. To know the list of disks on the system:
    sudo fdisk -l
  4. To know the application is available for installation from source list:
    sudo dpkg -s application-name
  5. To install an application :
    sudo apt-get install application-name
  6. To install an application without request for confirmation:
    sudo apt-get -y install application-name
  7. To download a file from WebLink:
    wget weblink
  8. To extract a tar or gz file and also display details of extraction:
    tar xvf tarfilename
  9. To create a tar file and also display details of creation:
    tar cvf tarfilename directorynamesdelimitedbyspace
  10. To modify permissions(Read-4, Write-2, Execute-1. First value in below command is for Owner, Second is for Group and Third is for Others ) for a file:
    chmod 777 filename
  11. To modify permissions for a Directory:
    chmod -R 777 directoryname
  12. To modify ownership of a File:
    chown user-name filename
  13. To modify ownership for a Directory:
    chown -R user-name directoryname
  14. To modify Group of a File:
    chgrp group-name filename
  15. To modify Group for a Directory:
    chgrp -R group-name directoryname
  16. To modify Owner & Group of a File:
    chown user-name:group-name filename
  17. To modify Owner & Group for a Directory:
    chown -R user-name:group-name directoryname

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